Good-Bye Windows XP – I’m Going to Miss You

R.I.P Windows XP (8-25-2001 to 4-8-2014).

According to the History of Microsoft Windows from, Microsoft introduced Windows XP in the Fall of 2001 and it quickly became my new favorite.

As a consumer, Windows 98 was another favorite.  She was a lean operating system – very fast for her time and I was sad when Microsoft retired her in 2006.

Windows XP was the longest living operating system in Microsoft history.  At 87 and 1/2 years old in dog years, Windows XP will be put to sleep tomorrow, April 8.

RIP Windows XP (2001-2014)

What should we do now?

Windows XP is not going to disappear overnight.  It’s going to linger just as Win 98 did also. As the guards slowly retire or better said, graduate, XP will become less and less secure.

It is safe to say that change is inevitable.  You must jump ship.

AND THIS IS WHY: Continue reading “Good-Bye Windows XP – I’m Going to Miss You”

How to Cycle Through Open Apps Quickly

Alt +Tab helps you switch through open apps quickly
Alt +Tab helps you switch through open apps.

Want to learn how to switch from open apps quickly?

Using this combination of keys will allow you to quickly go from say, Word read a value, switch to Excel type the value, and back again.  All without using your mouse. Continue reading “How to Cycle Through Open Apps Quickly”

Magnify Your Screen to Read Fine Print

Windows Key + (Plus or Minus)

I learned this one trick just recently.  Use the magnifier to see the screen bigger.

Not to long ago one of my customers bought a new “big” screen TV to use as a monitor. His reason was to be able to read better.  Unfortunately, as the monitors got bigger, the pixels (light dots that make up the text and graphics) became smaller.  The tighter dots on the screen made text appear smaller. Continue reading “Magnify Your Screen to Read Fine Print”

Internet Cookies: Are They Bad for Your Health?

Internet Cookies
Cookies are not bad for your health. Unless you eat too many.

If you are concerned with privacy over the Internet, you might have come across a concept we call a cookie.

Many websites use cookies to make your browsing experience more enjoyable. Others use them to track advertising performance and to pay commissions when a sale is generated.

Either way, your privacy is safe. Allow me to dispel some misconceptions of Internet cookies. Continue reading “Internet Cookies: Are They Bad for Your Health?”

How to Post Perfect Posts

Hand typing last post of the year
Writing my last post of the year

Perfection is unattainable. No matter how much we try we will always fall short of perfection. It’s our nature. (Romans 3:23)

The trick for posting perfect posts is not to post perfect posts. Simple.

Do you strive for perfection? I do.

My wife always wants me to post articles that are perfectly written. She wants me to cross all my eyes and dot all my teas — the write spelling wood be nice two. Continue reading “How to Post Perfect Posts”