How to setup your TFON email on an iPhone

What we’re gonna do today is set up a new email for the TFON or Ask Juan dot Net‘s servers. The first thing you want to do, is find (your) settings. Which is right here. So we’re going to touch “settings” and then we’re going to scroll down to where it says “Passwords and accounts” [right there.] And then, we’re going to create a brand new account by touching the Add Account option.

When we get to this screen, all we have to do is select “other.” when we’re here, select add a mail account.

Here is where you’re going to start putting in all your personal information. At the top, you’re going to put in your name . In this case my name is Juan Ruiz. My email address is [going to be] Juan @ tFon [dot] com. And my password is a secret. In the description, you’re going to put the name of this account. In this case is going to be Tfon email. You can put anything you want. [in this case] I’m going to put “TFON Email” so I can tell it apart from my other email services on this same phone. When I’m done with this page I’m going to select next at the top. Touch “Next.”

At the top, you can have either POP or IMAP. I will recommend that you use IMAP. In the hostname for the incoming server is going to be “” and the User Name is going to be your entire email address. [in this case] my name is Juan at – tfon – dot-com. The password has been filled in for you automatically from the previous screen. So we’re gonna skip this part and go down to the outgoing mail server.

The outgoing mail server requires “” and the username, even though it says optional, it’s your entire email address. So, in this case my name is Juan @ tfon -dot- com.

And in the password, even though it says it’s optional, it’s required for our servers. So, you’re going to type in your password in here.

[Okay] Once you have typed your password in there, select “NEXT” at the top. [and] It has created everything for you.

[at this point] You want to just select “SAVE” at the top and it has added [your] my account.

[but] Before we go any further, we’re going to come in here to this page and select our email. “TFON email” touch it. And we’re gonna go in here. We’re gonna select account. Where your email address is. And we’re going to scroll down to the bottom and select the “Advanced” button.

What I’m really concerned about, in this page, is at the bottom. We want to deselect or remove the green check (or the green button) that says, “Use SSL.” This is the incoming server, and the incoming server has the [uses] port [of] 143. We’re leaving it alone and we’re gonna go back to “Account.”

Once we’re in this page, we’re going to select SMTP and we’re going to do similar settings. We’re gonna select the primary server. And, in this page, [again] we’re going to deselect the “Use SSL” option. And at the bottom was his server port. It’s gotta be 587. If it’s not, change it to 587. Once you’re done touch the “Done” button at the upper right hand corner.

It’s going to verify your account and when it has verified your account you’ll see the check marks on the side. [and] It’s going to return [you] to the previous screen.

Once you’re here, touch the “account” button at the top and then the “done ” button on the right and you are finished.

This concludes this tutorial. [and] If you have any questions, send an email to support @